America's Bipolar Way of Thinking
The origin of the Covid virus: Lab Leak or Meat Market? Why Not Both?
Since the Covid first broke out in 2019, scientists and reporters have been trying to track down its origins. This search has been frustrated over and over by both the Chinese Government and the US Government, plus virologists who see research funds drying up if the lab leak theory was proven - and of course criminal liability for those involved. Nobody wants to take any risk of being blamed.
Advocates of both theories exploit the bipolar thought patterns of most people, but especially of Americans. If “A” is true, “B” must be false! We see this daily in the “liberal vs conservative” arguments about politics. We seem incapable of realizing their may be truth on both sides, or both sides may be equally false for that matter. A couple of preprints recently published suggest the virus broke out in the meat market, therefore it could not have been a lab leak. These are not “scientific studies” as they have not been peer approved nor replicated. They are also likely compromised as the authors are allegedly involved with organizations that were working in Wuhan.
But even more to the point, why CAN’T both be true? It SHOULD be well known by now that waste from labs was dumped into the sewers, from which cooks in the meat market obtained cooking oil! It is also true that scientists sold expired lab animals “out the back door” of labs for extra money instead of incinerating them as required. One fellow who got too greedy and got caught is in prison for just that. He was not from Wuhan or associated with Covid, but he made the equivalent of 1 million dollars US in a single year at it. With that kind of money in play in China’s “wet markets”, and China’s notorious level of corruption, can anyone claim that others are not doing the exact same thing? Of course, China is not going to admit to that, and will do anything necessary to block serious investigation of it.
On the other hand, the US is just as reluctant to have a serious investigation launched. The man originally put in charge of the US “investigation” was also the one alledgedly most suspected of doing gain of function research in Wuhan. He was soon removed after an uproar ensued. Others of questionable neutrality remained involved, however. There are rumors that his organization was funded behind the scenes by the US Government. No proof of that has emerged, but nothing ever resulted from the investigation except scientifically unsupported denial of the “lab leak” theory.
When the coronavirus was first described, it was described as having a built in “proof reader” to prevent mutations. Obviously that was not so! Seems more like a section of code to direct and encourage mutations, almost all focused on the one area of speeding up spread. The speed of spread and frequency of mutations in this one specific area are unlike anything previously seen in nature, but would be ideal targets for gain of function research - for instance if you wanted to develop a bio-weapon.
I am not sure if anyone will ever read this, but if you do please try to stop thinking in a bi-polar manner. You will seldom find out the truth that way.